Saturday, October 13, 2012

Pandas géants - Giant Pandas

(le texte suit les photos...le texte français suit le texte anglais)

(the text follows the photos...the french text follows the English text)

Today we caught an early flight for Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan province...aside from being the home to about 14 million people, Chengdu is also the home of the Panda Research Base...and you guessed it, this is why we came I woke at 3:30 this morning, my blog entry will be short and I will let my photos do the talking...from the pics, you should be able to tell what kind of day you think I is our last day in China...what a spectacular way to end our Chinese odyssey...tomorrow we leave for Kathmandu, where we will spend the next 9 days...

BTW, if you're wondering what that little red guy is in the pics, it's a Red Panda, also known as the Lesser Panda...

Ce matin, nous nous sommes envolés très tôt pour Chengdu, la capitale provinciale de de 14 millions de personnes habitent à Chengdu...Chengdu est aussi la demeure du Centre de recherche de Panda gé vous l'avez deviné, c'est la raison principale pour laquelle nous avons fait escale à Chengdu...comme je me suis réveillé à 3 h 30 ce matin, mon billet sera court et je laisserai mes photos vous décrire ma journée...à partir des photos, vous devriez pouvoir deviner la satisfaction de mon expérience...c'est notre dernière journée en Chine...quelle façon spectaculaire de finir notre odyssée chinoise...demain nous partons pour Kathmandu, où nous y passerons les 9 prochains jours...

Au cas où vous vous demanderiez ce que ce petit animal rouge est, c'est un Panda roux, aussi connu sous le nom de Petit panda...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Chengdu, China


  1. Great shots Guy! my fav is the one of the panda laying on a branch. Cool that you actually get to pose with the pandas in your blue panda suits.

  2. @rob...these guys are just a hoot to shoot...while we did see a few guys sleeping, most of them were real active and if they see one that is all alone, they often go and bother them...could have spent 100s of GB taking pics and they would all have been far as the posing's part of a program to bring money to the have to pay $$$ extra to get to do that...this one was 1 year could touch him, but we also had platic gloves...even so, it was cool to get that close...
